Sam Wilks
Economic Analysis: Potential Impact of Overloading Welfare Systems in Australian States and Territories
Diversity in Thought: The Need for Conservative Voices in Academic Disciplines
The Historical Roots and Contemporary Application of the Cloward-Piven Strategy in Australia
Personal Responsibility in Health: Taking Charge of Your Wellness Journey
Fostering Pro-Patriotic Sentiment in Progressively Dominant Areas
The Role of Taxation in Income Redistribution
Strategies for Political Parties to Resist Infiltration by Radical Leftist Ideologies
The Role of Income Inequality in Fostering Entrepreneurial Spirit and Economic Mobility
The Role of Libertarian Values in Promoting Individual Responsibility Over Collective Dependency
Challenging the Entitlement Culture in the Northern Territory
The Effects of Anti-National Sentiments in Popular Culture and Media
The Insurance Crisis for NGOs in NSW: A Closer Look
How Globalist Agendas Undermine National Sovereignty
The Impact of Welfare Dependency on Crime Rates in the Northern Territory
The Influence of Socialist Policies on National Economies
Cultural Relativism and the Justice System: Impacts on Legal Processes and Outcomes in the NT
The Destructive Nature of First Home Buyer Grants
Understanding the Tactics of Mob Psychology in Political Protests
Curriculum Reforms in the Northern Territory: Evaluating Their Effectiveness in Education
The Role of Independent Media, Especially Social Media, in Combating Biased, Leftist Propaganda