In order to create a progressive Culture we need to create a culture that reflects our needs, wants and dreams.
1. In order for the City of Darwin to accomplish this we need to Cultivate a network of Leaders, Managers, Visionaries, inventors, marketers, sale people and workers who are keen to swap the secrets of their success in a spirit of trust, integrity and mutual regard.
2. The facilities to hold these meetings are readily available and the Monthly meetings of “Darwin's Council of Accomplishment” will require membership and vetting but with the goal of creating a pool of Idea’s, resources and consultation for the future of Darwin.
3. The public will be provided with transparent documents and templates for successful policies, systems and activities to project their businesses and idea’s into reality.
Encourage small businesses to create mentor groups to share idea’s and reduce the risks in the market place.
4. Focus on improving Darwin Life style, wealth and opportunities and promote progressive values and ethics in order to catapult Darwin as the amazing Place it is!

Remember if you want to help me help you, please share your voice and vote for Sam Wilks this coming 26th August 2017.
Note :
Written and Authorized by Sam Wilks. The views included may not be those of others mentioned in the article but are those of Sam Wilks. If you have other idea’s feel free to comment below. Idea’s and differing opinion is recognition of a free and just democratic society. A Society I am happy to live in. Please however try not to be abusive or discriminative, you may be. But if I feel that your opinion may be harmful or is reported as being harmful, I will delete it.