Some tips on office/commercial emails etiquette

Ask yourself if you would CC yourself, easy with the CC’s. It spreads a conversation that the other party may not be ready to share yet.
BCC, sends a message about you to the person your BCC’ing
Assume that every email you send will be read aloud in court one day. Be discrete, mind your P’s and Q’s.
If your message is less than 7 words, put it in the subject line.
Email signatures should not involve words of wisdom. Not Tony Robbins, Kath and Kim or your favourite line from Arnold or the Rock.
Unless you need something read immediately, don’t put in exclamation points.
But if it does need to be conveyed immediately, make a call.
small caps isn’t ok, for everything either.
Don’t play around with the fonts too much, Arial, Calibri, Helvetica are pleasant on the eye.
Don’t use Verdana.