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20 ways how to F—k up an economy! No. 10 - Withdrawal of Sports and Recreation Funding

Writer's picture: Sam WilksSam Wilks

20 ways how to F—k up an economy!

By our Local NT Government. (witnessed and written about by me, a lowly peasant, oops I mean citizen, but I don't want to steal their limelight, they did all the work... proudly.)

Don’t get me wrong, continuously I’ve discussed economic factors and events with several sitting and aspiring politicians and pundits from both sides of the isle.

To say Holes and Homes is their main concern would be an understatement, but forgiving the lack of economic and financial intelligence by both the local bureaucracy and the ignorant presented for us to vote for, what we have seen is that they can’t even get the Mining and Housing sector right, so we didn’t stand much of a chance for anything else.

For those blaming either side for the problems, I say, they have both been as bad as each other, but given that we currently have a government with a massive, albeit, unstoppable majority of 18 members and an opposition of 2, this current government could really make some changes to fix things, but lets reflect first on both sides F-ups.

I’m releasing one of these one at a time, then I’ll provide 20 ways they might make some positive changes, so in the new year we might be able to re-invigorate our currently sitting government to get back to work and maybe represent the people again, as most who know me can attest, I have a critical mind, with a positive outlook.

Number 10 Withdrawing funding from sports and recreation

The de-funding or reduction of funding in several sporting activities has had a massive regressive economic impact on the Territory. Apart from the monetary cost, the social costs have been unforgivable.

Some of these outlays for instance the “Arafura Games” required funding from as little as $500,000 up to $5,000,000 bi-annually, much of this was federal government funding, through individual grants etc.

However, the financial return was calculated to be at its lowest $22.8 Million to an estimated return of $56 Million, locally.

These figures make no reference to the added social benefits from reductions in mental and physical health costs or the implications to national pride. At worst the Returns are estimated at $4.50 for every $1 spent and at best a whopping, $112 for every $1 spent. Considering return for investment, the de-funding of these community programs has cost us Millions.

There are many examples of this throughout the NT. In fact the Changing of names and responsibilities of departments discussed previously, has led to a grants program operated by a "who you know, rather than what you know" mentality, in the sports and recreation field of the NT.

There is a quite obvious correlation between mental, physical health in our youth, and crime rates in the NT, Territory wide. This has and until rectified, will be, one of the most massive social and economical blights on the Territories history.

It has contributed to a crime per capita rate higher than any other capital city in the world. I suppose the Politicians involved can still attest that they still contributed to Gold Medals, only the new sports are “Snatch and Grab”, “Break and enter” and Playing “Cat and Mouse”, with the NT Police the unwilling players and the magistrates, demonstrably, unwilling refs.

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