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The Impact of Censorship on Free Speech

Writer's picture: Sam WilksSam Wilks

The essence of free speech, as conceptualised by philosophy, lies in its ability to enable the pursuit of truth and the exercise of individual freedom. The suppression of speech, therefore, is not merely an act of silencing voices but an impediment to the collective understanding and progress of society. The economic angle further elucidates this by pointing out that the free exchange of ideas is akin to the free market of goods, where the best ideas, like the best products, triumph through competition. This is known in economics as a meritocracy.

From a psychological standpoint, the repression of speech can have profound effects on individual well-being and societal health. It stifles personal growth and understanding, leading to a society that is less aware and more prone to the maladies of misinformation and prejudice. The irony is almost palpable when one considers the historical record of governments using propaganda to peddle misinformation and advance pernicious agendas. To then propose establishing a government department with an appointed bureaucrat as the so-called arbiter of truth is as absurd as it is unsettling.

In Australia, the most profound source of racism and bigotry isn't found in the shadows of society, but rather emanates from the very government Acts and regulations that ostensibly aim to protect. These policies, by segregating Australians along racial lines and labelling entire groups as vulnerable based solely on their skin colour, serve to perpetuate division rather than unity. Reflecting on my own lifetime, it's evident that racism, which was nearly extinct in my youth, has been resuscitated and sustained by these very systemic acts that discriminate and sow discord among Australians based on immutable characteristics.

Security trainers and personnel alike underscore the practical implications of suppressing speech. By limiting discourse, societies fail to recognise and address the underlying issues that lead to unrest and dissent. Censorship, in this view, is a short-term solution with long-term consequences.

Turning to real-world examples, particularly from Australia and more specifically the Northern Territory, one can see the manifestation of these theoretical insights. Australia's unique position as a country with strong democratic values but without explicit First Amendment-like protection for free speech makes it a compelling case study.

One notable instance is the Northern Territory's "Paperless Arrests" law. Critics argue that this law, which allows police to detain individuals without a warrant for minor offences, has a chilling effect on free speech and protest. This is particularly concerning given the law's disproportionate impact on Indigenous Australians, a group already marginalised in public discourse, not because aboriginal people do not have a voice but because the only ones listened to are the race baiters and parasites that are employed by Canberra.

Another example is the Australian government's approach to whistle-blowers and journalists who publish classified information. Cases like that of Witness K and Bernard Collaery, or the raids on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, raise significant concerns about the government's willingness to suppress uncomfortable truths, ostensibly for national security reasons. Yet, such actions can be seen as fundamentally antithetical to the principles of a free and open society, where government accountability is paramount.

The implications of these instances are far-reaching. Economically, a society that does not engage in the free exchange of ideas stifles innovation and progress. Psychologically, it creates an environment of fear and conformity where individuals are less likely to express dissent or explore controversial ideas. In terms of security, it fails to address the root causes of dissent and can lead to a more fractured and volatile society.

The impact of censorship on free speech is not merely a theoretical concern but a practical reality with significant consequences for the health and vitality of any society. The Australian experience provides a poignant illustration of these dynamics. It underscores the importance of vigilance and advocacy in protecting this right, for in the absence of free speech, the very fabric of society is at risk. From the author.

The opinions and statements are those of Sam Wilks and do not necessarily represent whom Sam Consults or contracts to. Sam Wilks is a skilled and experienced Security Consultant with almost 3 decades of expertise in the fields of Real estate, Security, and the hospitality/gaming industry. His knowledge and practical experience have made him a valuable asset to many organizations looking to enhance their security measures and provide a safe and secure environment for their clients and staff.


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