Now Pool fencing! Property supposed to settle on Friday but Pool fencing authority put the wrong town of ... description on the certificate. Now settlement late by a week.
Owners pissed off and out of pocket about two thousand dollars, buyer pissed and out of pocket about five hundred dollars.
Vendors Conveyancer (well this one doesn't seem to give a sh*t), she's on leave at the moment and the clerk she has doesn't know what to do.
Pool fencing response, we will get to it in 5 days. We don't have the resources to expedite our own stuff up.
There are plenty of people with brains in the public service. Most of them are not the figureheads I have met. Getting a top job because you a given it by a friend (nepotism) doesn't make you smart, it makes you a parasite or a teenage child! So you should grow up!
I would like anyone out there in the public service or real world who knows who to call or email or harass through pool fencing who can sort this sh*t out. Cos 4 of us have basically been told "Too Bad".
